Thursday, October 17, 2013

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Oppose Lab Breeding Facility for Beagles

Last year public outcry helped stop plans for a beagle breeding facility in the UK, but another application for the same thing has been submitted. As part of their Best Friends campaign, the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection is calling for an end to all experimentation on dogs and cats and is fighting to ensure that no more facilities are allowed to breed companion animals for research. 

Please sign the petition asking the East Riding Planning Committee to reject the application.

2. Stop Lawmakers from Giving Hunters Preference on Public Lands 

The Sportsmen's Heritage Act, which would do a number of terrible things for both wildlife and nature enthusiasts, is back under consideration. Among other things, this bill would open up even more public land for hunting and trapping, even though many national parks were set up to be sanctuaries for wildlife, would allow hunters to leave lead and other toxic substances in the wilderness and allow the import of polar bear trophies if bears were killed before 2008. 

Please send a letter to your representative asking them to oppose this bill.

3. Help Protect Dogs and Cats in China

Despite support for protecting animals by a majority of Chinese people, millions of cats and dogs are still suffering for their meat and fur and there is animal welfare legislation on a national level to keep them safe or to punish abusers. 

Please sign the petition supporting national legislation preventing cruelty to animals.

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