Tuesday, June 04, 2013

June's emergency COTM is... 1 Day Ranch

June's emergency COTM is... 

Nominated as an emergency Charity of the Month 
& voted in by TheBlueWindmill, BarkingDogBlanket, 
TheAnimalsMagicShop, KneeDeepOriginals, 
PeaceLoveandBaubles, and ThimbleSparrow 

There once was a girl who had a passion for rescuing animals. That girl also loved art, design, technology, and training horses. One day that girl made a random decision to move to a tiny town in Southwest Oklahoma and start a horse rescue (and then moved to an even smaller town in Southeast Oklahoma!). (Even though she had spent her entire life living in the city). This is how 1 Day Ranch came to be.

Maeghan with a Bouquet of Rescued Puppies
July 2012

1 Day Ranch is owned and operated by Maeghan Hadley. Some may know her as @maeghan, or the former office manager of the Oklahoma City Coworking Collaborative. Maeghan lives on site at 1 Day Ranch and does all the day to day tasks associated with running a rescue. She lives on the ranch with her personal dogs (Beau, Thor, Luna, and Honor) as well as her paint gelding of 11 years (Sky) and other dogs and horses who are currently in the rescue program. 

Maeghan is known to have a minor twitter addiction, a major coffee addiction, and the strange ability to get stray, lost, or hurting animals to find her no matter where she is.

Located outside Shawnee, Oklahoma "1 Day Ranch is a rescue and rehabilitation center for animals who have been the victims of severe abuse and neglect. We specialize in equine rescue and rehab but also take in dogs and cats. Every animal who is brought to 1 Day Ranch is provided with love, attention, high quality food, and proper medical care. 

We provide training to each animal in hopes that they can find loving permanent homes when they are ready. None of the animals at 1 Day Ranch are ever trained using methods that cause them fear or pain. 

We are a NO KILL facility and each animal is given the opportunity to put their past behind them and live happy lives free of physical and emotional pain if at all possible. The only reason an animal is euthanized at 1 Day Ranch is due to incurable medical reasons or if they are violent/a danger to themselves and others."

Kitten found under this rubble
May 2013 tornado damage

On May 19th a Tornado devastated the Shawnee, Oklahoma area… the owner of 1 Day Ranch, Maeghan Hadley, posted a message on Fb "If anyone in the Shawnee or Bethel Acres area sustained damage by this tornado and need a place to house their horses please let me know! 1 Day Ranch was very lucky to be missed and we have a pasture we are happy to house them in. We will also help if they sustained any injuries, have some first aid items and can help with dogs, cats, and small livestock…" 

Excerpts from Fb Diary
Maeghan writes...

May 20: (above) "One of the most unique rescues I've been on... This BIG guy is Frosty. After the tornado last night he ended up on top of his owners roof. Seriously. On the roof. He had to be moved to a friends house to stay while his family cleans up, so I went and hauled him to their friends house. He was a perfect gentleman, a very sweet pig. I'm glad he and his family are ok."

May 28: (above) "Found after tornado around the Shawnee lake area... Well taken care of. Male. Not neutered. Must find his owners ASAP! Brought to me today. Please share!"

June 1st: (above) "After a night when yet ANOTHER storm destroys many areas of Oklahoma, and beats up all of us who are already damaged, I feel like we could all use some happy news this morning... So everyone-say hello to the 10 (yes I said, 10!) newest residents of 1 Day Ranch."

"On Tuesday I was called by a woman who works as a housekeeper for a family down the road. They went out of town and someone broke into their house while they were gone. When they returned on Tuesday all the doors were open and inside they found this beautiful girl. She had apparently been dumped on their property a few weeks ago but was timid and shy so they didn't really touch or see her much. Well sometime during or after the break in she came into the house and when they got home they found her in the back bathroom-and she had given birth to a litter of 9 puppies!!! They didn't know what to do because they thought she was aggressive as she growled when they came in." 

"My boyfriend and I went over and it took a grand total of 5 seconds of sitting and talking with her for her to warm up and trust me. She let me check all her pups and then I was able to convince her to get up while my boyfriend gathered up the pups and off we went. She is an absolute doll and an amazing mother. They were all in bad shape, so I didn't want to post till I knew they would survive. But they are doing awesome now, so it's time for everyone to meet this lovely new family!" 

"Expect many adorable puppy pics in the coming weeks! Once they are old enough they will all be spayed and neutered, get all their shots, and then will be up for adoption! They are very unique pups and momma is incredibly unique herself. Mutts to the extreme! But if they have a personality even close to their mother's?-they will be fantastic dogs! So glad they are safe and poor momma can relax knowing she's never going to have to be outside, fend for herself, be dumped, break into a house, or have another litter of pups ever again!"


Without the kind donations of our friends we are unable to do any of the work that we do. If you would like to make a donation to our cause then you may do so online via Pay-Pal by clicking the "donate" button above !  

If you would like to send a check then please mail it to: 
16704 Bethel Road, Shawnee Oklahoma 74801
If you have any questions then please feel free to email us at 1dayranch@gmail.com



  1. Amazing stories! Looking forward to supporting One Day Ranch this month!

  2. What a wonderful organization! I would have thrown in my vote for them, too!

  3. Shared FB and will get my donation in this week!


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