Thursday, June 27, 2013

June's COTM 1 Day Ranch approaches EOM !

June's COTM approaches EOM

Nominated as an emergency Charity of the Month 
& voted in by TheBlueWindmill, BarkingDogBlanket, 
TheAnimalsMagicShop, KneeDeepOriginals, 
PeaceLoveandBaubles, and ThimbleSparrow 

As the month of June draws near to its end... so will our Charity of the Month: 1 Day Ranch give way to our next charity. If you havent had a chance to check these guys out- please do !

Life goes on after the tornadoes... as you can see that litter of 9 puppies born during the tornadoes are growing... and are being well cared for...

Other dogs are as well and are now in need to be fostered or homed. 1 Day Ranch is in the process of building kennels as fast as possible in order to rescue those dogs that have little time left at the shelter. The gas chambers are still in operation in this part of the world.

This dog's people never showed up and he is now in dire need to be relocated - he is ready for a new home. Lets help to make that happen. Please share !

Throughout the month- many people traveled to 1 Day Ranch with donations... and/or participated in creating solutions to help this wonderful rescue organization. If you are able to help thru a donation as well... this is a great time to do so !


Without the kind donations of our friends we are unable to do any of the work that we do. If you would like to make a donation to our cause then you may do so online via Pay-Pal by clicking the "donate" button above !  

If you would like to send a check then please mail it to: 

16704 Bethel Road, Shawnee Oklahoma 74801
If you have any questions then please feel free to email us at


1 comment:

  1. That little puppy is just precious! A litter of nine? Wow. That's a BIG family :o) It's great to see all of the wonderful work that you are doing to help so many displaced animals.


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