Saturday, June 15, 2013

Animal Petitions Corner by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Elephants at the Niabi Zoo

Former circus elephants Sophie and Babe have been kept in inadequate conditions at a zoo in Illinois that had its accreditation pulled last year due largely to its elephant exhibit. Rock Island County officials recently hired an elephant expert who recommended moving them to a facility with more space in warmer climate because of their current and anticipated health conditions. 

Please send a letter to the Rock Island County Forest Preserve Commission asking it to support the recommendations and let these two go somewhere more appropriate where they will thrive. 

2. Help Protect Sharks From Finning

The National Marine Service is requesting comments on the Shark Conservation Act, which would close loopholes in the U.S. ban on shark finning, but a proposed rule that would threaten the ability of states to ban non-regulated shark fins. 

Please send a letter to the Department of Commerce asking it to ensure that states have the ability to adopt measures that will close the market for shark fins. 

3. Tell Congress Elephants Need Our Support

With the price of ivory sky rocketing, elephant poaching has become a crisis and threatens their survival with an estimated 30,000 killed annually for nothing more than their tusks. Congress is considering cutting funding for the U.S. Agency for International Development Biodiversity Program by 40 percent when elephants, and other wildlife, need it the most. 

Please send a letter to Congress asking members to support conservation efforts and ensure funding for wildlife protection programs continues. 

1-2-3 ACTiONS 

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