Saturday, April 27, 2013

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Save Endangered Blue Whales

There are currently less than 10,000 blue whales left on earth who are being needlessly killed in collisions with ships off the coast of California when they migrate through the Santa Barbara coast. The Unfortunately, the Navy has opposed opening up the Pt. Mugu Naval Air Station waters for additional shipping lanes, which would allow ships to avoid waters where these gentle giants swim and feed. 

Please send a letter to the Obama administration asking that the Navy be required to open additional shipping lanes during the months blue whales migrate through heavily used areas. 

2. Get Protection for Wolverines

There are only a few hundred wolverines left in the wild thanks to trapping, poisoning and hunting, which have all pushed them to the brink of extinction. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering listing them as threatened, but with so few left conservationists are calling for endangered status under the Endangered Species Act. 

Please send a letter to the FWS asking that wolverines get full protection as endangered species. 

3. Give a Voice to the 10,000 Lab Animals Who Drowned During Hurricane Sandy

10,000 rats and mice were trapped in cages and left to die at New York University Medical Center in NYC during hurricane Sandy, even though there was enough time to protect them from this gruesome death. In Defense of Animals estimates that 52,000 animals have drowned in facilities that house animals in basements during storms. 

Please send a letter to NYU officials asking the university to switch to humane alternatives and at the very least move animal facilities higher elevations away from the East River. 

1-2-3 ACTiONS 

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