Saturday, April 06, 2013

ANiMAL PETiTiONS CORNER by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Ask the NIH to Stop Funding Heart Failure Experiments on Dogs

The story of Queenie, a young dalmation mix who was sold by a shelter to a Class B dealer who sold her to be used in heart experiments where she was implanted with a device and forced to run on a treadmill while recovering from surgery before she was killed, has turned the spotlight on these types of cruel experiments. Her veterinary records indicate that she was in constant pain and distress. 

Please send a letter to the National Institutes of Health asking that it withdraw millions of dollars of funding from university these types of research projects on dogs.

2. Stop Senseless Bison Killings

There used to be more than 30 million wild bison roaming America's grasslands, but decades of unregulated hunting and habitat loss have reduced their population to fewer than 5,000 - mainly in national parks. Unfortunately, bills in Montana would leave bison at risk of harassment, capture and death if they roam outside of their designated land. 

Please send a letter to the governor of Montana asking him to ensure wild bison are protected from uncontrolled killing.

3. Ban Bobcat Trapping in California

In California it is still legal to trap and kill bobcats, and there are no limits on how many can be killed each season. However, Assembly Member Richard Bloom has introduced a bill to ban the commercial trapping and sale of bobcats in California, which will put an end to this cruelty. 

Please sign the petition asking the California Senate to ban bobcat trapping.

1-2-3 ACTiONS 

1 comment:

  1. Was especially saddened by the story of Queenie - I signed the petition and will also call Dr. Collins - thank you for posting these.


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