Tuesday, March 05, 2013

March's COTM is... CedarHill Animal Sanctuary

March's COTM...
CedarHill Animal Sanctuary

Nominated by Sharon of SharonFosterArt
Photos are courtesy of CedarHill & Sharon Foster

CedarHill Animal Sanctuary, Inc. was founded in 1990 by owner/Executive Director/operator Kay McElroy. We are licensed by the Mississippi state game & wildlife department, accredited by (ACE) animal centers of excellence and the association of Sanctuaries (ASA). We received our (501)(c)(3) status in 1992.

The principal focus of the sanctuary is the welfare of the great cats and all animals. There are currently few laws, either federal or state to protect these animals from neglect and mistreatment. The sanctuary on behalf of its charges and all exotic cats, maintains that each animal, as a fellow inhabitant of this planet has certain basic rights which humans are obliged to respect; dignity of being, unpolluted living space, and a rightful place in the natural order.

The secondary goal of the sanctuary is simply to provide for the animal residents of Cedarhill a safe haven, which is the duty owed to them. The sanctuary chooses a narrow focus in its campaign for the ethical treatment of all animals. “As we honor the few, we honor the many”.

Kay has become a leader in the animal sanctuary community. In 1994 she wrote and distributed a book titled Nutritional Needs for the Exotic Feline in Captivity. She has also become a resource to exotic animal caretakers in other countries. Kay wrote the Exotic Animal Act of 1997 that was passed into law in the state of Mississippi. The law prohibits canned hunts, exotic animal auctions, established state registration requirements and caging standards.

Cedarhill Animal Sanctuary, Inc. is 100 % donor supported by the generous contributions of more than 1400 donors. Among its donor family are community and youth groups that have donated their time and skills to help with projects and construction throughout Cedarhill’s 20 acres. Cedarhill receives no government funding.


throughout this month for more
about CedarHill Animal Sanctuary...
Team EFA's March 2013
Charity of the Month !

1 comment:

  1. Very worthwhile charity! Interesting about the book the founder wrote on the nutritional needs of big cats in captivity. I imagine those needs would be unique and different from those in the wild.


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