Saturday, March 16, 2013

Animal Petitions Corner by Alicia of WoodsEdge

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell Utah Not to Give Anti-Wolf Group $300,000

Despite protests from democratic lawmakers, it looks like Don Peay, founder of the hunting advocacy group Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife (SFW), will be getting $300,000 out of the state's general fund to lobby against wolves in Utah, where few if any wolves even live.

Please sign the petition telling Governor Hebert to veto this budget item - taxpayer money shouldn't be given to private businesses, or individuals, that want to fight the Endangered Species act and wage war on wildlife.

2. Help Lucky,  San Antonio Zoo's Lone Elephant

Following the death of the elephant Queenie, animal advocates are calling on the San Antonio Zoo to retire Lucky - a 53-year-old female Asian elephant - to a sanctuary and permanently close its elephant exhibit.

Please send a letter to the zoo's director and the mayor asking them to send Lucky to an environment that can better meet her needs.

3. Tell the BLM to Protect Wild Horses During Drought

The Bureau of Land Management is accepting comments on a plan to manage wild horses and livestock during drought and has come up with a few options for dealing with emergencies from hauling water to removing animals, even though there are far more privately owned livestock than there are horses. 

Please send a letter to the BLM asking that it prioritize removing livestock over wild horses in the event of a drought and that removal of horses must be used only as a last resort.

1-2-3 ACTiONS 

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