Thursday, November 29, 2012

Team EFA's Operation Chew Toys Ship out to Sandy affected NY and NJ areas

This Week...

Team EFA's
Operation Chew Toys
Shipped out to Sandy affected
NY and NJ areas

Rebecca of KneeDeepOriginals
creates an absolutely awesome card
for Operation Chew Toys !

Last week, we got to find out through websites Poisoned Pets and Truth About Pet Food that there was a animal food drive taking place to benefit Sandy victims within the New York and New Jersey areas. Team EFA posted about this charitable event and in that process found out that sheltered animals were also in special need of toys... to keep them entertained due to being cooped up for long periods of time.

Inspired by a desire to make animals happier... Nicole of Brizel4TheAnimals, Team Captain for Team EFA, spearheaded a pet toy drive within its membership which was dubbed Operation Chew Toys !

Tricia of UpcycledStuff
creates 70 pet toys + a draw string bag
from reclaimed t-shirts and fleece fabrics

Tricia of UpcycledStuff jumped at the opportunity to make pet toys from reclaimed fabrics, such as t-shirts and fleece. She even found a "I (heart) NY" t-shirt and made a toy bag out of it !

Here's Tricia's I LOVE NY draw string bag
which contains 30 fleece knot cat toys

70 toys later- Tricia was ready to box up these wondrous goodies that she had made for both dogs and cats and shipped them out directly to the NYC Animal Care and Control facility in Staten Island.

Apart from making 15 circular fleece tugs,
Tricia also made regular 20 t-shirt and 5 fleece tugs

Likewise, Jen of JenniferLynnProducts was eager to work with fabric and catnip & set about to make 43 toys... from abstract catnip mice to braided snakes and tuggy spiders. These were sent out the Essex Branch Humane Society in Newark, New Jersey.

Jen of JenniferLynnProducts sunk her teeth
into making 43 assorted fabric toys.

Nicole of Brizel4TheAnimals has reclaimed a huge bag full of remnant fleece scraps from a clothing manufacturer some years ago and she happily cut strips upon strips to create both straight and looped braided toys. Made small to large in numerous colors- a total of 42 were created. 30 shipped out to the NYC animal care facility and 12 to the Emergency Vet Center of Staten Island who has been diligently making food distributions to those in need in their hard hit area.

Nicole of Brizel4TheAnimals
worked with reclaimed fleece fabrics and
produced 42 braided tugs in various colors / sizes

Sharon of SharonFosterArtGinger of BarkingDogBlanket and Rebecca of KneeDeepOriginals commissioned Brittany of TheEmPURRium to make 50 multicolored t-shirt dog tugs which she enthusiastically made within two days and added another 10 on top of the pile as her contribution to the cause. All 60 of them went out to the NYC animal care facility in Staten Island.

Sponsored by 3 EFA members
Brittany of TheEmPURRium
rushed out to Goodwill to acquire t-shirts
in order to create 50 tugs and then added 
another 10 as her donation. 

Emily of YarnMiracleValerie of KnitByValerieCourtney of ShortCakeDesigns and Andrea of EveryDogsDelight commissioned Sara of BrattyCat1980 to make 130 colorful sachet bags filled with catnip which are sure to entertain many a cat. Even though Sara is not a member of Team EFA, she enthusiastically added another 20 of them as a charitable contribution to our project. 

150 catnip sachet toys were made within a very short time and sent out to all three of our destinations: 60 to each shelter and 30 to the emergency vet.

Sponsored by 4 EFA members
Sara of BrattyCat1980
created 130 catnip filled sachets
and even added another 20 to our cause

Lisa and Sky of TheAnimalsMagicShop thought it would be fun to send out some stuffed toys as they are very popular within their large family of huskies. As you can see animals are popular... pigs, cow, hedgehog and some footballs too. Tennis balls and a rope tuggy toy also snuck their way into this fun grouping. All 11 toys are being sent to the Emergency Vet in NJ.

Lisa and Sky of TheAnimalsMagicShop
donated 11 ready made toys

Carol of FaerieGood is on a creative stint. She's taking this opportunity to try out some fancy dog toy designs that have been wanting manifestation for a while. They are currently in the works and once completed will be sent out to the Humane Society in NJ. 

Carol of FaerieGood is working away 
on some super deluxe dog toys ! 

Much gratitude to Rebecca of KneeDeepOriginals for designing our fabulous Toy Gift Donation Card which were printed out and included in each package- giving both credit to the donor and sharing Team EFA's Mission.

Thanks also to Kelly of KellyWarrenPhotoArt for taking the time to research which shelters and facilities were the most needful of our toys.

Operation Chew Toys successfully sent out over 360 toys... woohoo... which we sincerely hope will be given to the needy sheltered dogs and cats at the earliest opportunity. 

Almost everything was shipped out Tuesday November 27th and therefore should arrive well before the end of this week- if not today !

to all our donors and sponsors
for making this possible !

Ginger of BarkingDogBlanket
Sara of BrattyCat1980
Nicole of Brize4TheAnimals
Andrea of EveryDogsDelight
Carol of  FaerieGood
Jen of JenniferLynnProducts
Kelly of KellyWarrenPhotoArt
Rebecca of KneeDeepOriginals
Valerie of KnitByValerie
Sharon of SharonFosterArt
Courtney of ShortCakeDesigns
Lisa of TheAnimalsMagicShop
Brittany of TheEmPURRium
Tricia of UpcycledStuff
Emily of YarnMiracle


  1. Thank youfor the update and for spearheading this we could not have done it without your leadership ; )
    EFA so happy and proud to be a member ; )))

  2. Wow, amazing job! You guys rock! :D :D

  3. I'm very excited at how it all unfolded :)
    It only took 15 committed people to make this happen - i'm proud of each one. THANK YOU !

  4. Yes! So proud to be a part of this action! Making those toys was so rewarding that I'm thinking about making a few here and there to sell! :)

    Thank you, Nicole, Kelly, and Rebecca for coordinating, without which we could not have done this!


  5. Wow! Look at all those toys! glad everyone pulled together to make this happen!

  6. Fantastic! Thanks for all the hard work and donations from everyone!

  7. Got a little misty-eyed when I read of everyones' efforts and saw all the toys. I think this will make a lot of animals happy. Rebecca - just love the design for the donation tags you made. It's amazing what can happen when we work together. Nicole - big hugs - you rock!


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