Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Promote your Animal Charity by entering our Promotions program !

Want to promote your animal charity ? Want a chance to fund raise for your chosen charity ? Why not participate in our new EFA Member Charity Promotions Program then ! 

Entering the EFA Member Charity Promotions Program is a fun way to participate in the EFA street team and it's a great opportunity to fund drive for your chosen animal charity !

Every month, EFA members may submit one of their product listings to be featured on the EFA Member Charity Promotions Blog. Product items need to be 'efa team' tagged and must benefit a formal animal charity organization with a monetary pledge. 

So let's get started… if you are an EFA member whom would like to submit one of your 'efa team' tagged products to be advertised on the EFA Member Charity Promotions Blog... 

...please convo our EFA Member Charity Promotions' Blog Leader, Jess of jessicalynneart, with the following information:

1. GiVE US the link to your 'team efa' tagged product.

2. TELL US all about your product, including its retail price.

3. NAME the animal charity and give us their web link or the url for its Fb page. (n.b: you may not name WWF or PETA as a charity of choice as Team EFA does not support those organizations as a team)

4. DiSCUSS why you've chosen that charity- what makes them so special, for example.

5. SPECiFY how much your monetary pledge will be to the charity once the item sells… either in exact dollars or as a percentage relating to its -retail- price (this must be represent a minimum of 10%).

Three more important steps...

6. TiTLE THE CONVO to Jess with: EFA CHARITY PROMOTIONS (all in caps)

7. BE SURE TO RENEW your listing so it does not expire within this promotional time period !

8. SEND IN your $2 entry fee as a 'gift' to the Paypal address Jess will provide in her confirmation convo. Once received, your advertisement will be scheduled for the next available week day slot for the current cycle.


For every *16 entries we receive- an Etsy Treasury will be created- putting each product in a visible collection on Etsy.com. A competition will then ensue on our blog with a voter Poll in which the winner's animal charity organization will win the **$32 entry fee jackpot. 

Anyone can vote so let's see how many votes people can muster up for their charity... what a grand cause and an actual monetary donation to a charity too ! 

Please note: Since Team EFA does not have its own Paypal account, our Team Leader: Nicole of Brizel4TheAnimals will be receiving your $2 fees which she will then disburse to the winning animal charity in one lump sum. A copy of the donation receipt will be posted on the blog under the voter Poll at the earliest convenience.

* or however many advertisements we get within the month
** however many entries x $2 will = the jackpot amount

for supporting our EFA Member 
Charity Promotions Program 
and for being an active 
member of our team !

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