Saturday, September 08, 2012


Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Keep Dogs and Wild Animals Safe in California

The California legislature recently passed a bill that would ban hunting bears, bobcats and other wildlife with dogs and it's awaiting the governor's signature. Allowing hunters to set a pack of dogs loose on a wild animal isn't just a cruel way to hunt wild animals, but can be deadly for the dogs involved. 

Please send a letter to Governor Jerry Brown urging him to sign this bill into law. 

2. Stop the Torture: Support the BEST Practices Act

Despite protests and a petition filed with the Department of Defense regarding policy violations for not using alternative teaching methods, ten pigs were shot, burned, cut open and had their limbs amputated for the Army National Guard's training course in Minnesota last month, while thousands of other animals continue to suffer similar fates in trauma training courses throughout the country. The BEST Practices Act will phase out live animals and improve medical training through the expanded use of human based simulators, which are already being used by many programs. 

Please send a letter to your senator asking them to support and co-sponsor this important piece of legislation. 

3. Ask the EPA to Protect Pets and Wildlife from Poison

The retail sale of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (rat poison) was banned a year ago, but a few corporations have refused to comply with the ban and have filed suit while they continue to peddle poison that is killing children, pets and wildlife. 

Sign the petition asking the EPA to follow through on the cancellation of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides. 

4. Tell Ontario to Protect Captive Animals at Marineland

In recent months the suffering of a number of animals at Marineland in Niagara Falls, Canada has led to eight employees resigning. Some animals have experienced ongoing health issues, while others have died. Unfortunately, there are no laws that regulate zoos or aquariums to ensure that even minimum care standards are upheld. 

Please send a letter to Ontario Premier Dalton Mcguinty asking for a new law that will require high standards of care for captive animals, which will also allow for the closure of facilities such as Marineland when there are noncompliance issues and animals are suffering. 

1-2-3-4 ACTiONS

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