Saturday, September 22, 2012


Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Protect Horses From the Cruel Practice of Soring

Even though it's illegal, gaited horses, particularly Tennessee Walking Horses, continue to suffer from a cruel and painful practice known as soring to achieve an unnaturally high step known as the "Big Lick." Lawmakers from both parties in states where this is prevalent have stepped up to help these horses by strengthening the Horse Protection Act. 

Please sign the petition urging the U.S. House to help protect horses from sadistic abuse by supporting the proposed amendments to the Horse Protection Act.

2. Oppose Wild Burro Roundup in Southern California 

Despite public outcry, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is going to move forward with a helicopter roundup to unnecessarily gather wild burros in the Piute Mountain Herd Area, while leaving privately owned cattle on the land. The BLM could solve the problem by removing cattle and ensuring that burros have access to Fenner Spring, the main water source in the area, but are choosing not to do so. In 2010, the BLM failed to maintain this water source and 56 burros needlessly died of dehydration. 

Please send a letter asking BLM to work on range improvements and leave the burros on the land that was designated for them, instead of coming up with excuses to round them up and store them at holding facilities indefinitely.

3. Tell Canada to Protect Animals in Aquatic Parks

While Canada protects some animals under animal cruelty laws, there are none in place to protect animals in zoos, aquatic centers or animal parks. The lack of regulations allows these industries to self-regulate, to the detriment of the animals in their care. Problems with this lack of protection were highlighted by the recent articles in the Toronto Star about the atrocities occurring at Marineland. 

Please sign the petition asking Prime Minister Stephen Harper to regulate the welfare of captive animals in Canada.

1-2-3 ACTiONS 

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