Saturday, September 01, 2012


Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Stop Namibia from Exporting Wild Animals to Cuban Zoo

Plans to capture wild animals in Namibia and sending them to live in a zoo in Cuba have sparked outcry and raised concerns about how they will fair during long travel and how they will adapt to a change to a tropical climate and to captivity. The plan – Operation Noah’s Ark – involves capturing 148 animals, including elephants, black and white rhinos and lions from Namibia’s Waterberg National Park, quarantining them and flying them to Cuba’s 845 acre National Zoological Park, which is already home to 850 animals.

Please send a letter to the Embassy of the Republic of Namibia in Washington, DC, and to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in Namibia asking them to support conservation and leave animals in the wild where they belong. 

2. Support World Farm Animal Day

On October 2, animal advocates from around the world will take time to speak up for, mourn and remember the lives of animals. The Farm Animal Rights Movement is offering a number of ways to get involved from attending and hosting an event or vigil to simply sharing information about the lives animals endure on factory farms on social media platforms. 

If you're interested in Taking Action, find more info here: 

3. Help Wild Horses in Utah

The Bureau of Land Management is accepting public comments on its plans to roundup horses the Frisco Herd Management Area (HMA) in Utah this October, which would leave too few horses on the range to sustain the herd. 

Please send a letter to he BLM asking them not to go forward with cruel helicopter roundups and instead manage the horses on the range. 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info and petitions. Glad to be able to do something to help.


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