Saturday, August 11, 2012


Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Protect Wyoming's Wolves

Since wolves were delisted in the Northern Rockies and management was turned over to the states, more than 400 wolves were slaughtered in Idaho alone and now Wyoming's wolves face a similar fate. The state plans to enact a shoot-on-sight policy and will also classify wolves as trophy game. 

Please send a letter to President Obama asking him to stop the senseless killing and halt the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's delisting of wolves in Wyoming from the threatened species list. 

2. Ask AstraZeneca to Stop Funding Huntington Life Science

Huntington Life Science is notoriously known for its abuse and sadistic treatment of animals used in biomedical research that have resulted in violations of the Animal Welfare Act and animal cruelty charges being filed against employees to more than 520 infringements of Good Laboratory Practice in England. After the cruel treatment of animals was revealed at its research facility, many investors, including AstraZeneca, pulled their funding, but now AstraZeneca is back after Huntington promised to "clean up its act."

Please sign the petition asking AstraZeneca end its contract with Huntington and support alternative research methods. 

3. Help Cats and Save Trap-Neuter-Return in Brevard County

Brevard County has had a TNR ordinance since 1999 and has successfully vaccinated and spayed/neutered thousands of cats , but county commissioners have suspended colony registration and are considering other restrictions that could hurt feral cats and increase costs for taxpayers. 

Please send a letter to Brevard County Commissioners asking them to life the suspension and keep the existing TNR law as it stands.  

1-2-3 ACTIONS 

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