Saturday, July 21, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell Walmart to Stop Supporting Cruelty

This week Mercy for Animals released an undercover video depicting horrific abuse at Minnesota-based Christensen Farms, a Walmart pork supplier and the third largest pork producer in the U.S. MFA is now working to get Walmart to stop supporting suppliers who mistreat animals. 

Please sign the petition asking Walmart to pledge to stop using suppliers who use gestation crates. 

2. Help Protect River Otters 

President Obama just announced guidelines that would restore protections to streams and wetlands that are at risk from pollution and development, but some groups are already trying to get the guidelines reversed. Otters, other wild animals and people rely on clean water for survival. 

Please sign the petition asking President Obama and state representatives to support actions that restore Clean Water Act protections. 

3. Speak Up for Spanish Greyhounds

Unfortunately for greyhounds in Spain, they're seen as nothing more than property. They are used for hunting and heartlessly let loose to fend for themselves or killed after hunting season is over. 

Please sign the petition asking Spain's Prime Minister to strengthen the country's animal cruelty laws. 

this weekend !

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