Saturday, July 14, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Stop Competition that Needlessly Kills Sharks

The 26th Annual Monster Shark Competition on Martha's Vineyard is set to take place and animal advocates want to help protect a species that is already threatened due to pubic perceptions and overfishing. 

Please sign the petition asking Dr. Mark Holliday Office Director and Steven James President of Boston Big Game to stop this competition to help preserve this keystone species. 

2. Get Justice for Kitten Buried in Concrete

A kitten was recently found half buried alive in concrete was found and rescued by a former member of the Latter Day Saints (LDS) Church. Unfortunately, the kitten died at a sanctuary days later and rescuer claims that the police aren't taking this issue, or other animal killings that have occurred, seriously.

Please sign the petition asking the Colorado City Sheriff's Office to take this and all matters of animal cruelty seriously. 

3. Save Grizzlies From Toxic Mining Waste

A proposal for the biggest open pit mine in the U.S. is on the table and it would sit right in the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Environmentalists are fighting the proposal, arguing that toxic mining waste will affect local waters and poison grizzlies, salmon and other wild animals who depend on it. 

Please send a letter to the EPA asking that plans for Pebble mine be stopped immediately. 

Help the Animals
Take 1-2-3 Actions 
This Weekend !

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