Saturday, June 02, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Oppose Wolf Delisting in Wyoming

A plan to remove wolves from the protection of the Endangered Species Act in Wyoming has been formally announced and will leave them vulnerable to a shoot-on-sight management plan in most of the state, including national forests. This move, combined with the wolf management policies in neighboring states, fails to ensure wolves the vital protection they need to maintain healthy populations. 

Please sign the petition opposing the delisting of wolves in Wyoming. 

2. Get Justice for Victim of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)

A pit bull/husky mix named Hank was taken from his home after a neighbor provoked him and turned in a videotape he had taken of Hank to Animal Control because he was left outside in a fenced in yard without a muzzle, a common requirement of discriminatory BSL. Sadly, Hank has since been euthanized, but to make matters worse, the local humane society would not even return Hank's body to his owner so that he could be buried and put to rest. 

Please sign the petition asking St. Joseph's County to repeal its Breed Specific Legislation and for the vet who killed Hank to resign. 

3. Protect Whales from Navy's Sonar Testing

The National Marine Fisheries Service has approved a plan for expanded sonar testing off the West Coast, despite the known detrimental effects on marine life and opposition from EarthJustice, Natural Resources Defense Council and Native American tribes, among others. 

Please sign the petition asking the National Marine Fisheries Service to revoke the Navy's permit and protect marine life under the Endangered Species Act. 

for taking 1-2-3 ACTIONS
on behalf of the animals !

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