Saturday, June 30, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Save Thai Pangolins

Pangolins, or scaly anteaters, are cute, shy and defenseless and are now one of the most illegally trafficked mammals in Asia, killed for their meat and use in traditional medicine. They are protected by CITES and it's been illegal to hunt them since 2002, but the ban is believed to have caused an increase in poaching and smuggling and the punishment for offenders is too mild to deter anyone. Find more info at 

Please sign the petition telling Chinese authorities to crack down on illegal imports of pangolins.

2. Save the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker

The endangered red-cockaded woodpecker can take more than a year to carve out its nest in pine trees, making nests not only for themselves, but for other birds that may use it after they leave. The U.S. Forest Service is now considering allowing energy companies to "explore" the forest, which will lead to oil and gas extraction, possibly through fracking in Alabama's Talledega Forst. This forest provides a home to these birds, other species and the endangered long-leaf pine tree, which woodpeckers love to nest in...and it's a popular place for nature enthusiasts and bird watchers. 

Please sign the petition asking the US Forest Service to deny energy companies exploration rights in the Talladega.

3. Help Make Room for Mexican Wolves on Public Lands

One of the biggest problems for Mexican wolves, and all wolves, is complaints by ranchers. 70 wolves and their pups have been removed from public lands because of cattle since the Mexican wolf recovery program began in 1998. Now, the U.S. Forest Service is considering a proposal from WildEarth Guardians to close grazing allotments in the Gila National Forest in Southern New Mexico and reallocating the land for wildlife, which will benefit a number of species and the ecosystem as a whole. 

Please send a letter to the USFS asking them to support the alternative plan submitted by WildEarth Guardians. 

Help the Animals
Take 1-2-3 Actions 
This Weekend !

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