Saturday, June 16, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Keep Hunting Out of Our National Parks - Oppose Hunting Amendment in Farm Bill 

Earlier this spring the House passed the Sportsmen's Heritage Act, a cluster of dangerous pro-hunting bills all rolled into one scary piece of legislation. Idaho Senator Jim Risch has since taken it and filed it as an amendment to the Farm Bill, which the Senate is currently debating. The legislation could open the door to allowing hunting and recreational shooting on national parks, which will not only be deadly for our wildlife and detrimental those of us who enjoy nature. 

Please send a letter to your senators asking them to oppose this amendment to the Farm Bill. 

2. Ask Subway for More Vegan Options

Last year Subway stores in Canada added a vegan patty to the menu, and starting this week select stores in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia will be serving three new vegan sandwiches. 

Show your support and let Subway know you want vegan options at a store near you by leaving a comment at:

3. Tell Idaho to Stop Slaughtering Wolves

Since wolves were removed from the Endangered Species Act last spring, Idaho officials have failed miserably at "managing" them and have killed 400 wolves in one year, nearly half of the state's population, despite promising that they would be managed like any other species. 

Sign the petition telling Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to hold state officials accountable for their extreme "management" policies and anti-wolf agenda. 

4. Protest the Use of Live Farm Animals at Olympic Opening Ceremony

There's currently a plan to use live farm animals at the opening ceremony of the Olympic's in London this summer. Animal advocates are not only concerned about the stress these animals will suffer from the chaos of the ceremony, but also about the perpetuation of the idea that these animals live a blissful life in the countryside when most of them actually endure life on factory farms. 

Please send a letter to London 2012 asking that they abandon plans to use live animals at the opening ceremony.

Help the Animals
Take 1-2-3-4 Actions 
This Weekend !

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