Saturday, June 09, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Save Diego the Lion

Diego is a young lion who was confiscated from his owner by wildlife officials during an invetigation. He's since been living at Mexico City's Zacango Zoo in a small concrete enclosure that doesn't come anywhere close to meeting the needs of a big cat. Even though the Wild Animal Sancuuary in Colorado has offered to provide him home, Mexican officials are blocking his relocation. 

Please sign the petition asking PROFEPA (Mexico's Environmental Protection Agency) to transfer Diego as soon as possible. 

2. Ask Urban Decay to Stay Cruelty-Free

Urban Decay has been well known for its cruelty-free and vegan beauty products. However, the company is planning on expanding its product line in China, where animal testing is required. While the company won't be doing any testing, making this move goes against its cruelty-free stance. 

Please sign the petition asking Urban Decay not to allow animal testing for any of its products. 

3. Tell Albert-Einstein Medical Center to Stop Torturing Kittens

Despite having a state-of-the-art medical simulation center, Albert-Einstein Medical Center uses live kittens to teach students in its pediatrics residency program how to insert breathing tubes. Kittens are repeatedly subjected to the procedure and may suffer from tracheal bruising, bleeding and severe trauma, among other issues. 

Please send a letter to Albert Einstein Healthcare Network's president and CEO Barry Freedman asking him to immediately stop using live animals in training programs. 

4. Help Protect Bats from Deadly Disease

White Nose Syndrome is a deadly disease that has already killed almost 7 million bats and has continued to spread. Because some believe that the fungus may be getting helped along by humans who visit caves, many have been closed to the public. Now, the U.S. Forest Service is considering whether to renew its policy of keeping caves in the Rocky Mountains closed. 

Please sign the petition asking the USFS not to take any chances and keep its current management plan. 

Help the Animals
Take 1-2-3-4 Actions 
This Weekend !

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