Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How can EFA members participate in Team activities ?

How can EFA members

participate in Team activities ?

written by Nicole of Brizel4TheAnimals

The EFA Team needs its members to participate in team activities... otherwise what is the point of being part of a team ?

Our volunteers work hard to provide a variety of 'services' and perks to our membership. So... How can EFA members participate in 'team activities' ? Here are some suggestions :)

Visit Teams to promote your EFA tagged listings

Enter one of your products in the Monthly Challenge

Sign the weekly Animal Petitions

Make an all EFA Team Treasury

Check out the Challenge entries

& leave a supportive comment

Submit an article for the EFA blog

Chit Chat with other members

on our Teams forum thread

Join our Charity of the Month Program

Peruse our main blog & Share our articles

Cast a vote when its time for our Challenge Competitions

Create a Treasury Challenge entry

Become a COTM sponsor

Report your animal charity donations to EFA

Promote our Challenge entries via Social Media

Become a volunteer for our Team

Recommend Team EFA to other Etsy sellers

Use Team EFA graphics in your product listings

Be an active member of the Etsy for Animals community !

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this post, it's a good reminder of other things I can do to participate! :)


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