Saturday, April 07, 2012

ANiMAL PETiTiONS by WoodsEdge

presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge
logo by Eva of CocoNme

1. Speak Out Against Idaho's Wolf Torture

After losing protection under the Endangered Species Act, the war on wolves in the Rocky Mountains has intensified. Photos have recently surfaced of a wolf that is believed to have been tortured in a trap before being killed with the involvement of the U.S. Forest Service. The Center for Biological diversity is calling for an investigation of Josh Bransford, who posted photos of a wolf who had been trapped near a road and non-fatally shot "by several guys", which violates the state's animal cruelty laws.

Sign the petition asking Idaho's Department of Fish and Game and the head of the U.S. Forest Service to investigate the matter and take the appropriate disciplinary action.

2. Help NYC Carriage Horses

The coalition to Ban Horse Drawn carriages has reported a number of incidents that took place in the past year resulting in car accidents, injuries to horses and people and dead horses in New York City, where horses have no business on the overcrowded streets.

Send a letter to the the CEO of NYC & Company, NYC's official tourist agency asking him not to support this inhumane industry.

3. Support Protection for the Boreal Forest

In what might be the largest conservation project on earth, Quebec premier Jean Charest recently announced formal plans to safeguard 50% of the province’s northern territory, a region the size of France. An estimated 20% will be totally protected and 30% will be off limits to mining and hydroelectric projects. However, measures still need to be taken to protect the boreal forest.

Sign the petition asking that extra measures are taken to protect wildlife and biodiversity the boreal forest.

Help The Animals
Take 1-2-3 Actions Today !

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