Thursday, March 29, 2012

March COTM Donations: Life's Little Paws

March's Charity of the Month
nominated by Danielle of Rendachs

We are drawing to the end of the month and its corresponding Charity of the Month: Life's Little Paws. As all our COTMs- it's an especially worthy charity... you can read all about their work in our original article HERE.

Because LLP is a small organization- every penny of every donation counts towards helping our canine friends. If your etsy business has done well this month or you are in a position to make a donation- please consider doing so before the end of the month.

Become a COTM SPONSOR !!!
Current EFA members who DONATE & REPORT
a minimum of $10 to LLP by end of March
will have their Etsy mini 1x1 displayed
on EFA's website Sponsor page
throughout the following month, April.

As always...
THANKS for your consideration !
Team EFA COTM Leader

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