Saturday, March 31, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge
logo by Eva of CocoNme

1. Save Florida's Sea Turtle Hatchlings

The U.S. Coast Guard is investigating a lighthouse in Pompano, Fla., that is causing nesting mother and baby sea turtles to lose their way and wander away from the water instead of towards it.

Please sign the petition asking the COast Gaurd to make simple changes that will preserve the lighthouse and help save turtles.

2. Tell Amazon to Stop Selling Caviar from Imperiled Sturgeon Species

A number of vendors currently sell caviar through, which some believe is having an adverse effect on endangered wild sturgeon populations, and attempting to replace wild sturgeon with a captive population. Farms also make it possible to kill wild fish and claim they were farm raised, in addition to providing an incentive to catch mature fish for breeding.

Please sign the petition asking's CEO to stop selling caviar and other products from these fish.

3. Save Baby Elephants from the Black Market

The illegal trade in elephants for ivory and for tourism is thriving in Thailand and Burma. Elephants are stolen from sanctuaries, with baby elephants being the most vulnerable to the practice and don't need to be registered until they are eight years old, making them hard to track.

Please sign the petition asking the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation asking that they register baby elephants at birth.

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