Saturday, March 17, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Stop Windsor's Skunk Trapping Program

Officials in Windsor, Ontario have announced plans to spend $80,000 on trapping and killing skunks in an effort to address residents who have been complaining. Opponents of the plan are arguing that this plan is an inhumane and ineffective way of dealing with skunks and that cleaning up the city, not feeding pets outside and blocking places under buildings/porches would be a more effective long term solution.

Sign the petition asking the Windsor City Council to reconsider their plan and take more eco-friendly and cruelty-free steps to deal with skunks.

2. Tell Congress Big Cats Aren't Pets

It is now estimated that there are more big cats in captivity (10k-20k) than their are in the wild. Due to concerns over injuries, escapes and animal welfare, representatives Buck McKeon and Loretta Sanchez have introduced legislation, the Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act, that would make private possession of big cats illegal, with exceptions for accredited zoos and sanctuaries.

Sign the petition telling Congress to pass this important piece of legislation that will protect both big cats and people.

3. Stop Utah's Coyote Killing Bill

Utah has just passed a bill that will allocate $750,000 to the slaughtering coyotes. The bill, called the "Mule Deer Protection Act" is backed by hunters and agribusiness in hopes that they'll have more deer to kill and reduce livestock loss, despite the fact that other factors from hunting to habitat loss have a greater impact on deer populations. Coyotes have no protection in Utah and there is no limit to how many can be killed, or any regulations regarding how they are killed leaving them vulnerable to trapping and aerial hunting as well. Like every other creature, coyotes play an important role in the ecosystem and their presence helps promote diversity.

Send a message to Utah's Governor Gary Herbert asking him to veto this horrible bill.

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