Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Team EFA's Pinterest Protocol

Team EFA's Pinterest Protocol

Hello, everyone! In response to some members' concerns about Pinterest, the following changes will be made to suit both those who wish to have their items pinned and those who are not comfortable with it and want their items and shops kept off of our Pinterest boards.


Regarding items posted on the Teams Shop Promotion thread, all items will be pinned unless it says 'do not pin' under your product link. That way, you will still be able to promote your items on Etsy, but you can opt out of having them pinned on our Pinterest page.

This means its a win-win situation for all members having preferences. Nicole our Teams Leader will add this info in the opening statement of our Teams Shop Promotion thread from next month onwards.


As for the Treasuries getting pinned, for those of you who want none of your items pinned and would like to have your entire shop kept out of the Pinterest "loop," we have a more permanent solution.

We are willing to color-code member shop names on our Current Member website index so that EFA'ers can easily scan the list while pinning to see which members do not wish their items marketed on Pinterest.

If you wish to register your Pinterest abstinence- please post your decision on the Teams Pinterest thread before end of this month. http://www.etsy.com/teams/6354/efa-etsy-for-animals/discuss/9793327/ This will serve as an easily accessible public record and we can then transfer the info on the EFA website.

Keep in mind that it will be an all-or-nothing deal - its not 100% assured - but we will do our best to keep your items from being Pinned.

We hope you will be pleased

with our efforts to serve your best interests,


Pinterest Leader


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