Saturday, February 11, 2012


presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Oppose Wild Burro Roundup in Arizona

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is taking public comments about plans to round up 400 wild burros with helicopters and keep 350 of them permanently off the range, in addition to castrating 50 males, despite public opposition and a pending lawsuit in Nevada.

Please send a letter to the BLM opposing the roundup.

2. Tell Montana its Wildlife is Worth More Alive

The Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission is working on proposals to extend hunting seasons for wolves, mountain lions and bison due to complaints from livestock farmers, along with hunters who want to kill more deer and elk.

Please submit a comment to the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission asking them to base their decisions on science and consider the benefit that wildlife and predators contribute to ecosystem and to the state as a result of tourism.

3. Help Elephants Connie and Shaba

Connie and Shaba have been together for 30 years and have bonded intensely. They were kept from being separated in Tucson, AZ thanks to public outcry, but will be moved to the San Diego Zoo where they may be separated because they they are different species. Officials are predicting that they will each bond with their own species in San Diego, which has both African and Asian elephants, and should that happen one of the pair will be moved with the zoos other African elephant.

Send a letter to Tucson officials asking them to take the necessary steps to ensure that both Connie and Shaba will remain together.

Help The Animals
Take 1-2-3 Actions Today !

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