Wednesday, January 04, 2012

TEAM ANNOUNCEMENT: EFA's New Team Purpose & changes in Team Requirements


EFA's New Team Purpose &

changes in Team Requirements

Etsy for Animals' Team Purpose has been formally revised by EFA's volunteers. We are happy to announce that we are stepping into 2012 with the following updated Team Purpose:

"Etsy for Animals (EFA) aka Artists Helping Animals, is a team of independent artists, craftspeople, vintage sellers and craft suppliers on who are dedicated to providing charitable relief to animals by donating a portion of the profits from their shops to an animal charity of their choosing, and/or to EFA's featured Charity of the Month."

Although in the past there was always an agreement that members of Team EFA were mutually working to assist animals in need... it was never clearly stated in our Team Purpose that all members were helping animals by donating a portion of their shop profits to animal charities.

We are now making this a part of our team requirements along with the following:


All members of Team EFA need to have...

1- a minimum of 5 active listings in their shops at all times (unless the shop is on Vacation Mode. If you would like to remain an EFA member, you may have your shop on Vacation mode for up to three months as long as your return date is clearly posted in your Shop Announcement.)

2- a minimum of 5 team efa tagged listings in their shops at all times.

Use 'team efa' tag to denote listings that benefit an animal charity of your choosing.

Use 'team efa cotm' tag to denote listings that benefit EFA's Charity of the Month.

3- You may team tag as many listings as you desire so long as you pledge that they will benefit an animal charity of your choosing.

4- Make sure that listings that do not benefit animal charities are free of 'team efa' tags.

EFA members need to decide...

5- which animal charity/ies will benefit from the sale of those team tagged listings and what percentage or amount of money will be donated to specified charity/ies. Please note: 'charity' implies an organization outside your personal rescue animals.

As per Etsy regulations & EFA's new team requirements...

5- each seller has to specify charity details: such as name of charity, link to their website, percentage of pledge or donation amount in their Shop Announcement and/or in each of their team efa / charity tagged product listings.

6- These same rules apply to any or all EFA member registered 'secondary' shops.

And finally...

We ask that you take the time to MAKE THESE CHANGES to your EFA shops & complete them no later than BY THE END OF THIS MONTH, January. Please note: you must meet these requirements in order to remain a member of Team EFA.

We hope that you will approve of how Team EFA is growing & changing but should you decide to leave the team, simply remove yourself from either our Yahoo Groups or Etsy Teams list (please also remove your team efa tags) and we will take care of the rest.

On behalf of Team EFA volunteers...

Thank you & Best regards for 2012 !


Team Captain

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