Saturday, January 21, 2012

Animal Petitions Corner

presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Ask Wayne State University to Stop Torturing Dogs

Dogs are routinely purchased by Class B dealers for use in animal experiments at labs and universities. Researchers at Wayne State University use dogs like Queenie, who was put through multiple surgeries and "forced to run dozens of strenuous treadmill tests, suffering for months inside of the lab until experimenters broke one of the devices in her body," at which point she was killed.

Sign the petition asking Wayne State University to focus on other research methods from epidemiological studies to computer modeling and stop using animals in experiments.

2. Get Protection for All Chimpanzees

While chimpanzees are protected under the Endangered Species Act, there is a loophole that exempts captive chimps from protection. Chimps in the wild continue to suffer from habitat loss, poaching and trafficking, while the loophole encourages illegal trade.

Sign the petition asking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect captive chimps.

3. Save the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses

The Bureau of Land Management is accepting public comments regarding its plans to remove 30 young horses from the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range on the Montana/Wyoming border. While they are considering using fertility control and trapping, instead of helicopter roundups, removing foals and yearlings is seemingly unjustified and has scientists worried about genetic diversity with too few horses left on the range.

Send a letter to the BLM supporting a "No Action" alternative, which will leave horses on the range.

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