Saturday, January 14, 2012

Animal Petitions Corner

presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Coyotes in Southern California

While many cities have adopted humane methods of dealing with coyotes and educated people about coexistence, the town of Laguna Woods, CA, recently voted to allow the killing of coyotes. Unfortunately, attempting to kill coyotes off to solve the problem usually just leads to more coyotes with bigger litters since there is less competition between them.

Sign the petition asking the Mayor of Laguna Woods to withdraw the city's plans to kill coyotes.

2. Tell Miami-Dade County to Give BSL the Boot

Miami-Dade county in Florida is the only county in the state that allows for canine profiling and the seizure and killing of dogs based on their looks, thanks to a loophole in a state law that prohibits breed specific legislation (BSL) everywhere else in the state.

Sign the petition asking state representatives to support and co-sponsor HB 997 and SB 1322, which will repeal breed discrimination in the entire state.

3. Send Wanda to a Sanctuary

Last July a calf escaped from a beef farm in Connecticut and eluded captors while hanging out with a herd of deer. Farm Sanctuary offered to take her and the public was led to believe that she would go to a sanctuary after being captured, but instead she was turned over to a commercial farm that officials will not identify.

Send a letter to Milford Animal Control and the Connecticut Department of Agriculture asking them to send Wanda to a sanctuary.

Help The Animals
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