Saturday, November 05, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell Congress to Save $1 Billion by Saving Animals

In an effort cut spending, Congress has created a Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to come up with a plan to reduce our nation's debt. Luckily for animals, much of the wasteful spending in the U.S. negatively affects them. The Humane Society Legislative Fund has suggested saving millions by ending the warehousing and use of chimps in experiments, stopping roundups of wild horses, replacing animal tests and not subsidizing lethal predator control.

Send a letter to your representatives asking them to support efforts that will save animals and save millions.

2. Tell Congress to Save Bats

The fungus, geomyces destructans has been officially declared as the cause of White-Nose Syndrome, which has killed millions of bats since 2006 and is continuing to spread. It was previously unclear whether it was the actual cause, or whether it was a pathogen that affected bats weakened by another cause. As bats are an integral part of the ecosystem, continued support of research into ways to stop WNS from affecting more bats and causing extinctions is critical.

Sign the petition asking the White House to fund research to save bats.!/petition/fund-fight-against-white-nose-syndrome-president’s-fiscal-year-2013-budget/jH8Z4Fsl?

3. Ask the USDA to Stop Abuse at Cole Bros. Circus

The Cole Bros. Circus has gotten itself into big trouble over animal welfare this year, thanks in part to efforts made by In Defense of Animals. Investigations have led to federal actions ranging from animal abuse and public endangerment to schemes to get around current animal welfare laws.

Send a letter to the USDA urging them to continue to hold the Cole Bros. accountable for their actions, in addition to take responsibility for the actions of its inexperience and abusive handlers.

Help The Animals

Take 1-2-3 Actions Today !


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