Saturday, October 29, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Tell Obama to End Invasive Research on Chimps

The White House recently created a new site that allows people to campaign for causes. If they gather 25,000 signatures within 30 days a public response will be issued. There's a petition to end invasive research on chimps in the U.S., which will end the suffering of great apes used in research and save taxpayers an estimated $30 million annually. As it stands, the U.S. is the last developed country in the world, and one of only two nations, to continue using chimps in biomedical research.

Sign the petition telling the White House that the time has come to end this practice and move on to practices that are not only scientifically sound, but ethically and fiscally responsible.!/petition/cut-funding-invasive-research-chimpanzees/9xYNfcQX?

2. Protect Caribou and Boreal Birds

Canadian policy makers are working on a recovery plan for woodland caribou, who are disappearing quickly, with their biggest threats being human activity, such as deforestation, mining, gas and oil exploration and development. The Pew Environmental Group and the Canadian Boreal Initiative have both advised the Canadian government to create large protected areas, in order to keep caribou populations from disappearing, in addition to keeping other animals, including many of North America's migratory birds, safe while ensuring that ecosystems remain healthy.

Sign the petition asking the Canadian government to protect Canada's boreal wilderness.

3. Tell Petland to Stop Selling Pets

According to the HSUS, about 95$ of the puppies sold at Petland stores come from puppy mills, yet the store refuses to change it's policies. Petland Canada has announced plans to stop selling pets and a growing number of stores are saying goodbye to breeders and partnering with shelters and rescues.

Sign the petition asking Petland to change its policy and help put puppy mills out of business.

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