Saturday, October 01, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Keep Oil Out of Arctic Waters

Arctic animals rely on a clean environment to live, but drilling there threatens this fragile ecosystem. In the event of a spill, this precious habitat would be destroyed and leave animals that weren't directly killed to breath in toxic fumes.

Send a letter to the Department of the Interior telling to protect the arctic and stop plans to drill there.

2. Protect Yellowstone Grizzlies

Even though there are only 600 grizzlies in Yellowstone, the government is challenging a court victory that put them on the Endangered Species list. Due to conflict with humans and continued development, their population can't keep up.

Send a letter to the Department of the Interior telling them grizzlies need to be protected until there is an actual plan to ensure their survival.

3. Tell Mastercard to Stop Supporting the Dolphin Trade

27 wild dolphins were captured in the Solomon Islands and now waiting in holding pens before they can be moved to Resorts World Singapore where they will spend the rest of their lives entertaining people. Two have already died, and the lifespans of those remaining is expected to be drastically shortened. Resorts World Singapore has a deal with Mastercard and gives deals to those who use the card.

Sign the petition telling Mastercard to end its partnership with Resorts World Singapore.

Help The Animals

Take 1-2-3 Actions Today !


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