Monday, October 24, 2011

COTM Update: BARC's Kitten Kaboodles

Charity of the Month Update:
BARC's Kitten Kaboodles
from underneath the cats at Yarn Miracle

Another BARC initiative that steals my heart is the Kitten Kaboodles program.

This all-volunteer group functions through a network of retail adoption sites, vets and individual homes who provide either adoption space (the retailers) or socialization (foster families) for non-feral cats that have been abandoned, neglected or abused.
Founded in 2000 in an effort to increase cat adoptions, the Kitten Kaboodles group has just rescued it's 560th cat, Wonder. Wonder and her littermates were just days old when they were abandoned near a dumpster. It is a 'wonder' that she survived: her right eye was ulcerated and had to be removed. The rest of her siblings were not so lucky.

Baldwin County is lucky to have such selfless and dedicated volunteers to look out for our abandoned animals. To make your donation to the Charity of the Month, click here.

To find out more about the Baldwin County Humane Society please visit their website at ... you can read up on the Kitten Kaboodles program while you are there.


by Team EFA's COTM Leader

Members please note:
* ANY EFA member who donates $10
or more to our charity of the month
becomes a "COTM Sponsor" &
will receive a free Etsy mini 1x1
the following month.

Thanks so much for your consideration...

When you make a donation
to ANY animal charity
please remember to report it
to Team EFA as we keep an overall track
of what our team donates
to charities as a whole.

No matter how little or much
Let's make a difference !

1 comment:

  1. What a great program! Thank you so much for sharing! :)


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