Friday, September 09, 2011

Nominate an Animal Charity for EFA's COTM

Nominate an Animal Charity

for Team EFA's COTM !

Who can nominate an animal charity ?

To nominate an animal charity for EFA's Charity of the Month, you must be a current member of Team EFA who participates in our COTM program. Participation means that your primary EFA shop features one to several listings that are dedicated to COTM & are tagged appropriately. You can also make a nomination if you are a current COTM Sponsor*.

* A COTM Sponsor is any current EFA member who is able to make & report a donation of $10 and up during the month which coordinates with our COTM. You are not required to have any shop product listings tagged with 'cotm' to become a COTM Sponsor.

What is the criteria for future charities to be eligible for COTM ?

Charities must have the following requirements:

primary function is to benefit & protect animals

puts the welfare, safety and well-being of animals first

endorses public education

has an active rescue program

has proper enclosures & facilities for its residents

has sufficient funding to meet the medical needs of the animals

neuters animals as appropriate to species

has a spay & neuter program before adoption occurs

Charities cannot:

X breed animals

X have any citations or record of animal abuse

X engage in activities that endanger the lives / safety of humans or animals

X raise funds via the display or performance of animals with the exception of domestic pets or barnyard animals, subject to review on a case-by-case basis.

X promote or take part in the buying/selling of animals alive or dead

X endorse or engage in hunting of any kind

X endorse or participate in animal testing

Please note that as a team, Team EFA does not support W.W.F or P.E.T.A

How do I nominate a charity ?

To nominate an animal charity, please fill out this form.

Before you do, please: make sure that you qualify to make a nomination & that your animal charity meets our requirements (read above)

What happens if my charity gets selected as EFA's COTM ?

We will contact you to let you know that your charity is being considered for COTM and ask that you contact the organization asap. Team EFA needs to have written permission from your charity in order to feature them on Team EFA's website & main blog as well as fund raise for them on

We will also be asking that your charity provide their logo as well as promotional photos that can be used on EFA's website/blog. We would also like that they mention Team EFA on their website featuring the EFA logo and the search link to our 'team EFA cotm' products during the cotm month we are working to raise money for them.

Lastly, we will ask you to write an article about your charity which will be featured on EFA's main blog at the beginning of the month & throughout the month if you'd like to write more than one.

If nominated, how will Team EFA help my charity?

Team EFA will promote your charity throughout the month...

- on our website & main blog

- through social media channels

- through Teams & Yahoo Groups

- with COTM specific Treasuries

- by encouraging COTM members to use our COTM listing logo

- by rewarding members that donate to your COTM

For more information on the current Charity of the month, please see this page or read about it on our blog.

Thanks for supporting our COTM program !

Team Captain,
COTM & Membership Leader,
Blog Editor: Etsy for Animals


  1. A great deal of time was spent revising and updating these guidelines and it shows! Excellent work.

  2. Thanks Emily... it did take a while.

    I compiled all the comments & suggestions that EFA members sent to me on the topic and then, Veronica of Scrappy Rat and I hammered it out, giving it a pinch of the lets let it brew for a while. I'm very pleased with the results- let's see what the EFA membership make of it :)


Please leave a positive comment :)
We shall publish it as soon as it is approved...
THANKS for visiting !