Monday, September 26, 2011

National Bluebird of Happiness Day

National Bluebird of Happiness Day

Written by Nancy of PetCollage Paradise

If you were happy on Saturday, September 24, it might be because it was National Bluebird of Happiness Day. The mythology of the bluebird of happiness goes back thousands of years. The bluebird is widely accepted as a symbol of cheerfulness, good health, new births, prosperity, and hearth and home.

Bluebirds are a member of the Thrush family related to the American Robin. There are three bluebird types in North America: The Eastern Bluebird, The Western Bluebird and the Mountain Bluebird.

What makes the bluebird happy? Eating insects, such as cutworms and grasshoppers. This makes us happy too, since these critters are damaging to our crops and gardens.

Once very common in the United States, these beautiful birds have decreased in number due to loss of natural habitat, overuse of pesticides and predators.

There’s a song called the “Bluebird of Happiness” composed in 1934 by Sandor Harmati, who wrote it for his friend, the tenor Jan Peerce. Peerce’s 1945 recording became one of the best-selling records ever made by an opera singer.

Here are some of the lyrics:

Be like I, hold your head up high,
Till you find a bluebird of happiness.
You will find greater peace of mind
Knowing there's a bluebird of happiness.
And when he sings to you,
Though you're deep in blue,
You will see a ray of light creep through,
And so remember this, life is no abyss,
Somewhere there's a bluebird of happiness.

And of course, there are the lovely lyrics to Paul McCartney’s song “Bluebird” about a bluebird whisking his love away someplace where they fly free together. How does he win her over? He “touch(es) her lips with a magic kiss”.

I love that line!


  1. Thanks so much from both of us for including my mom's bluebird print! Very pretty feature!

  2. Great post! I am overjoyed every summer when the bluebirds arrive in our yard, and this year we even had them stay over in a house we'd just put up! Yay! Thanks for including my watercolor with these lovely pieces.

  3. Wonderful tribute to the bluebird! I see them fairly often in Ohio where I live. Beautiful. And all this art work is gorgeous!


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