Saturday, August 13, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help End Slaughterhouse Cruelty

Last spring, Animal Aid videotaped unthinkable cruelty being inflicted upon animals at Cheale Meats slaughterhouse in the UK. The footage was in the news and received national attention. It was also the ninth slaughterhouse taped by Animal Aid and the eighth one caught breaking animal welfare laws. Unfortunately, Defra, which oversees animal cruelty cases, will not be prosecuting those who were caught on tape because the videos were taken secretly without the property owners consent.

Sign the petition asking Defra to prosecute the workers who were caught abusing animals.

2. End Cruel Trapping in Calabasas, CA

Project Coyote and the Animal Welfare Institute have joined forces to urge the city of Calabasas to make its moratorium on coyote trapping permanent. Not only are traps cruel, they also don’t discriminate and pose a threat to all wildlife, domestic animals and people.

Sign the petition urging the city to ban trapping and to work with Project Coyote and AWI to implement plans for non-lethal coexistence between humans and coyotes.

3. Tell Congress to Protect Wildlife

While Congress didn’t pass the extinction rider, there are still provisions that would devastate wildlife and threaten endangered species in the Interior Appropriations bill. Some of the proposed amendments include ending recovery efforts for Mexican gray wolves and leave other animals such as sea turtles and manatees, vulnerable.

Send a letter to your representative asking them not to support a bill that will threaten our environment and wildlife.

Help The Animals

Take 1-2-3 Actions Today !


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