Monday, August 08, 2011

Fostering Greyhounds

EFA's DOG DAYS FESTiVAL continues...

Fostering Greyhounds
Written by Jane from TheDoghouse

Owned by 2 retired greyhounds, Max & Molly, I am passionate about greyhound rescue. Overbred by the racing industry, most greyhounds' racing 'career' end after only a few years, once they stop bringing in money.

I can testify first hand that these dogs make wonderful pets & believe each one deserves their place in a loving home. Unable to provide a permanent place in my home for anymore myself, fostering means that I can help multiple dogs on their way to their forever homes.

Torres, our first foster dog who was with us for 6 months

My partner & I have been fostering greyhounds for several years now. It can be an emotional roller coaster of a journey, taking a dog that is often physically & emotionally damaged into your home & helping them work through their issues. You inevitably become attached to these dogs & it can be hard to say goodbye when the time comes.

But seeing them walk off all waggy-tailed & bright-eyed with their new family makes it all worth while. You know that they will remember your kindness forever, & the space that they leave means you can help yet another dog through that same special journey.

Tar, who was with us for a month before he went to his forever home

Fostering greyhounds wouldn't be possible if it weren't for my own well-adjusted dogs, Max & Molly, who welcome new dogs into our household without question & quickly 'show them the ropes'.

It is sometimes hard to believe that the dogs who had so many issues of their own when they first came to me (Max was depressed & Molly was full of anxieties) have changed so much over the years that they are now teaching other dogs how to enjoy life & behave appropriately!

Poppy, our current foster dog who is still waiting for her forever home

We are currently fostering beautiful black & white girl, Poppy, for Scottish Greyhound Sanctuary. Poppy arrived at SGS kennels shortly after having given birth to a litter of pups (sold to be racers). At only 4 years old & never having lived in a home before, she is still a mere puppy herself in a lot of ways.

SGS try to place as many of their dogs as possible in foster homes prior to re-homing. This is so that they can begin to adapt to life in a home environment (most will only ever have lived in outdoor kennels before), be cared for whilst recovered from their spaying or neutering operation (which is funded by SGS), & be assessed to see what sort of home will ultimately be suitable for their needs.

Poppy with a friend

Poppy has been with us for 6 weeks now & during that time we have learned a lot about her. She is very accepting of other dogs of all shapes & sizes but is not safe around cats, walks beautifully on the lead, is completely clean in the house, has no separation anxiety issues, loves to play (I think she thinks she is a retriever the way she plays with a ball!), is food motivated & very trainable with good recall potential, & is an extremely affectionate & loving girl.

It will be very difficult for us to say goodbye when her forever family comes along, but I will gladly be ready to open my heart & home to another dog in need...


Further Tails...

Read about Torres & Tar forever homes:

Learn about the Scottish Greyhound Sanctuary:

See Poppy's photo portfolio:!/media/set/?set=a.10150212220751430.315731.93604851429&type=1


  1. Thanks for publishing this on the EFA blog Nicole! Poppy is becoming quite a star ;-) Jx

  2. Wonderful article Jane!!
    The world needs more people like you!!

    What a lovely girl Poppy is! (love the name too!)

  3. Always admire people that can foster and really help - it's so encouraging. I've been thinking about it for far too long, but it sounds like Max and Molly are a great help too! Love the Doghouse too :)

  4. Great article! Great shirts too... My husband has one and he loves it!

  5. Such a wonderful work of love. I really enjoyed the photos of you with Poppy in the stream. Such a happy home and fur family you have!

  6. i would love to foster a greyhound but don't think i could attach and then let go - oh well - it's something to think about - they are such lovely animals and i would love to be able to help somehow

  7. Thank you so much for this wonderful home and for the very special work you are doing!

    Greyhounds are wonderful, and I would love to one day open my home up to a rescued greyhound. (Not possible right now with 8 cats!)

    I really enjoyed this post! :)


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