Saturday, July 23, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Presented by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Stop Kangaroo Boxing in Florida

The Rocky Show Circus, based in Florida, holds shows around the country that involve a man boxing a kangaroo, claiming that it’s both entertaining and educational. Animal lovers disagree. Javier Martinez, who runs the circus, has multiple USDA violations under his belt, in addition to having kangaroos die in his care.

Sign the petition asking the Florida Wildlife Commission to shut this circus down.

2. Say "No" To Rodeo China, A Joint China - U.S. Event

68 animal rights groups in China are calling for China, a Sino-U.S. cultural exchange event scheduled for October at Beijing's National Stadium, to be canceled. The rodeo is expected to involve 180 horses, 36 bulls and 90 steers, mostly from the U.S. and Australia.

Sign the petition asking the Chinese People's Association for Friendship With Foreign Countries to cancel this event and find a way to celebrate other cultures that doesn’t involve cruelty to animals.

3. Ask Golf Club to Ban Fox-Killing Member

Last year, Donald Forbes beat a fox nearly to death at the Peterculter Golf Club in Scotland for doing nothing more than stealing a biscuit out of his bag. He was charged with animal cruelty, fined and suspended for nine months. Unfortunately, the club has reinstated his membership. Now, activists, including legendary Queen guitarist Brian May and the group Fox Watch are asking the club to ban Forbes for life.

Sign the petition asking officials at the Peterculter Golf Club to take a stand against animal cruelty and violence by terminating Forbes’ membership.

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