Saturday, May 14, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Animal Petitions Corner

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Protect Loons from Toxic Mercury Poisoning

Loons are facing the threat of mercury poisoning from eating fish that have built up accumulations of mercury from the runoff from coal-fired power plants.

Tell the EPA to limit the amount of mercury pollution by supporting the new Mercury and Air Toxics Standards.

2. Tell Baystate Medical Center to Stop Using Live Pigs

Animals just got a victory with Massachusetts General Hospital ending the use of live sheep in its Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) training courses, leaving Baystate Medical Center as one of the handful of medical facilities, and the only one in Massachusetts, to use live animals to teach student, despite owning an alternatives, TraumaMan System, that has been approved by the American College of Surgeons, which oversees these programs.

Send a letter to Baystate Medical Center's president Mark Tolosky asking him to stop using live pigs in ATLS courses.

3. Tell the Government that Greyhounds Aren’t Livestock

Greyhound racing is still allowed in seven states, despite the cruelty inherent to the sport. The U.S. government won’t decide whether or not greyhounds are livestock, and without an exclusion, a loophole remains that allows the abuse and exploitation to continue.

Ask Congress to exclude dogs from the definition of livestock to help end this inhumane “sport.”

Help the Animals

please make the time

to take 1-2-3 actions

this week !

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