Saturday, April 16, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Animal Petitions Corner
by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Shut Down Puppy Mills in Missouri

Last November, Missourians passed the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act, otherwise known as Prop B. Since then, some people have been battling to have it watered down or repealed. The Missouri House of Representatives has passed SB 113, which pretty much guts any serious protections for dogs who are languishing in puppy mills in the state that’s been nicknames the puppy mill capital of America.

Please send a letter to Governor Nixon asking him to stand with Missouri voters and veto SB 113. Profits should never trump cruelty.

Sign the petition supporting Prop B.

Read more about Prop B and what SB 113 will do here:

2. Kick Rodeos out of Atlantic City

Casinos in Atlantic City have started a Boardwalk Rodeo in an effort to boost profits.

On April1, it brought in about 120 animals to involuntarily participate, while luring in about 17,000 people who find watching animals being abused entertaining. The rodeo is being run by John Barnes of Barnes PRCA Rodeo, who has been caught on video electrocuting animals to make them “act wild.” Barnes is hoping to make this an annual event and is getting full support from Atlantic City’s mayor, who apparently has no interest in learning about Barnes’ past abuse or why rodeos are inherently cruel.

Sign the petition asking Mayor Langford, members of the Atlantic City Visitors Authority and the rodeo's corporate sponsors that the rodeo has no place in Atlantic City.

3. Support Tougher Animal Cruelty Laws in Canada

The vast majority of Canadians believe that animal suffering should be reduced as much as possible, yet some of the current laws intended to protect animals have been on the books since as far back as 1892. Obviously, a lot has changed since then, including views on the treatment of animals, but as they stand the current laws make it difficult to get convictions for animal cruelty.

Sign the petition asking Canada to modernize the animal cruelty laws by closing loopholes in the Criminal Code to effectively protect all animals from acts of cruelty.

Help the animals

please make time to sign

1-2-3 petitions this week

Thanks !

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