Friday, April 01, 2011

APRiL COTM: Animal Refuge Kansai, Japan

Team EFA's April
Charity of the Month: ARK
Animal Refuge Kansai, Japan

nominated by Patty of CatCalls & DogBarks

Animal Rescue Kansai, ARK, is a non-profit, non-governmental private organization with the aim of forming a network of people who love animals, believe in sharing their lives with them, and who work actively to rescue them from suffering. ARK was established in 1990 and became officially recognized as an NPO (Non-Profit Organization) in September 1999. In 2008, ARK was accepted as an International Associate Member of the RSPCA.

ARK was established in 1990 by Elizabeth Oliver who originally came to Japan to teach English, but after seeing many injured animals she enlisted the help of some friends to rescue them. At that time, she depended on the generosity of people to donate such necessities as dog food. As the number of rescued animals grew, several volunteers were hired as full-time staff members.

After the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake hit Japan in January 1995, ARK was faced with its biggest challenge which became a turning point for the organization. Over that year, ARK rescued more than 600 animals from the quake-hit area, far over the capacity that ARK could handle. However, thanks to the media, word got out around Japan about ARK’s activities, and they were able to build more facilities and hire more staff members. There are now a facilities in Tokyo and Osaka, too. That earthquake measured a 7.2 on the Richter Scale.

Cosmos & Himawari

The March 11th quake has been measured at 8.9. How many MORE animals they will they have to rescue and care for? On almost every page on their website, this statement is found:

"ARK will accept as many animals as possible, those made homeless from the TOHOKU-PACIFIC earthquake and tsunami which occurred on 11th March. Any donations will be used for the animals made homeless in this terrible disaster. Thank you all for your concern and help. We will do our best for these animals."


Many of us have wanted to help. Videos have been posted, reports continue to emerge, stories of survival are surfacing. By actively engaging in this month's charity, TEAM EFA can make a significant contribution to the rescue and shelter efforts of ARK. But it must be a TEAM effort!


Many pets need to be returned to their families; others just need new homes. Still others need medical attention before they can go 'home' - wherever that may be. Please commit to actively engaging in this month's charity by promoting your ARK listings and those of other members.


Visit the forum and share listings, comments, ideas, and sales. And please generously donate as you are able. Let's show ARK that we put our money where our mouth is! Let's help make a difference in the lives of these Japanese families through our giving to the rescue efforts of their pets and bless ARK with a substantial gift this month!

Spice GIrl

"To see an animal arrive at ARK in a miserable condition, cowering in fear and tail between its legs, come back on a visit, coat gleaming, healthy and happy with his or her adopted family, is a wonderful reward for everyone here at ARK. It makes our work, however hard, worthwhile." Elizabeth Oliver, Founder of ARK



ARK: Animal Refuge Kansai



click HERE

Figure out your $ into Yen

by clicking HERE



click HERE



  1. Wow! Such a great charity!! Thanks for choosing it Patty!!

    Such wonderful animals available for adoption! What sweet pics.!

    It's comforting to know that this charity will accept and help as many animals as possible after such a terrible disaster!

  2. How wonderful that they take in all kinds of animals!

    Good luck EFAers, here's to lots COTM sales!

  3. WOW ... fabulous Charity ... will post onto my FB page ... let's spread the word!

  4. What a wonderful charity!! I was hoping that we could help animals in Japan - and here it is :)

  5. Wow, Nicole! You did a fabulous job! I want every animal you picked! They are all so precious. I am SO excited about this. Let's do it EFA!!!

  6. I went to donate, but some of the characters on the paypal page just show up as squiggles on my page, so I just want to make sure before I donate...I put the amount in yen, not US dollars, correct?
    (In yen it's just such a big number, I don't want to make a boo boo.)


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