Saturday, March 26, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Animal Petitions Corner

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Settlement Over Delisting Wolves Divides Groups: Let Them Know What You Think

Last week a settlement was reached between conservation groups and the Department of the Interior that will remove federal protections from wolves in Idaho and Montana, while expanding protection in other states. Originally 14 groups joined a lawsuit to ensure that wolves would remained protected under the Endangered Species Act, but ten of them agreed to settle, while four opposed any agreement and wanted to continue with the lawsuit.

Defenders of Wildlife wants to know what people think about the settlement. You can let them know here:

You can also send a letter to your representatives asking them not to support Montana Rep. Denny Rehberg's bill that would strip federal protections for gray wolves across the country:

Check here for more information on the settlement…

2. Demand Justice for a Dog Who Was Starved and Thrown Away

Patrick is a Pit bull who was starved, put into a trash bag and thrown down the trash chute of a 22 story apartment building in NJ. Luckily the air in the bag broke his fall and a maintenance worker noticed the bag moving before it was put into a compactor. He was rushed in dire condition to the Associated Humane Societies and Popcorn Park Zoo where he wasn’t expected to live through the night.

He surprised everyone and was moved to the Garden State Veterinary Specialists where he can get 24 hour care. A week later he’s making progress. He’s eating a little and now able to stand. Vets are taking care of him around the clock with cautious optimism as Patrick starts his new life laying on soft blankets surrounded with love.

The police reportedly have some leads about Patrick’s owner, which they plan to announce soon.

Please sign the petition to show your support for Patrick and ask the mayor and the police to find and prosecute Patrick’s abuser to the fullest extent of the law here:

3. Speak Up for Wild Horses and Burros

The Bureau of Land Management is currently taking public comments on their plans for future wild horse and burro roundups. While their new plans are taking some good steps, they’re still planning on removing 32,800 wild horses from the land over the next five years. That would put almost 52,000 wild horses in holding facilities costing taxpayers over $70 million annually to foot the bill for their poorly managed program.

Please submit a comment telling the BLM what you think about their plans here:

Help the animals

please make time to sign

1-2-3 petitions this week

Thanks !

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