Saturday, March 19, 2011

weekly Animal Petitions Corner

Animal Petitions Corner

by Alicia of WoodsEdge

1. Help Animals in Japan

As the world watches the devastation, there are many groups in Japan who are working to save animals in the catastrophic wake of the tsunami. There are currently a number of organizations on the ground building temporary shelters and providing food, water, vet care and safety to animals who have been lost or abandoned in the chaos.

Best Friends Animal Society has compiled a list of organizations that are helping animals and ways to help them save lives and promote their work broken up into part one and part two:

2. One for the Big Cats: Help Save African Lions

The future is not looking promising for the king of the jungle due to a number of factors including habitat loss, poaching, conflicts with people, scarcity of prey, a decrease in genetic diversity and disease. In just a few decades their population has declined by a whopping 50 percent. International trade in lion products is also having a negative impact on their chances for survival with the U.S. being the number one importer, and the amount of products coming into the states is reportedly increasing.

Sign the petition asking Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to protect African lions under the Endangered Species Act, which would mean a ban on imports and improved conservation efforts.

3. Protect the Arctic Ecosystem

Home to numerous species, some of which are already endangered, the arctic is now being considered for more oil and gas leases. While some reforms for offshore drilling have been initiated, scientists and activists are calling for more changes before the ecosystem is exposed to more drilling and potential disaster.

Tell Secretary Salazar not to offer any new lease sales in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in plans for 2012-2017.

4. Speak Up For Circus Elephants

The USDA is responsible for holding exhibitors accountable for the care and treatment of elephants who are used in circuses. Too often, they fail to take action against abuse, or to intervene and help elephants who are injured or ill. Two elephants who currently need help are Liz and Bimbo, who are both suffering from health issues and should be removed from their exhibitors.

Send a letter to the USDA asking them to step in for the welfare of these two elephants, and others who are currently suffering at the hands of irresponsible and negligent owners.

Help the animals

please make time to sign

1-2-3-4 petitions this week

Thanks !

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this great article, Alicia, and for sharing these opportunities to make a difference in the lives of animals in need.


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