Friday, January 28, 2011

Read all about... Guinea Pigs !

Read all about
... GUiNEA PiGS ...
by Patty of Catcalls

Guinea pigs are really very hardy little guys. They do not require massive amounts of tedious attention- just some basic care to keep them happy and healthy.

If you can provide all of these things, you are a good candidate for guinea pig ownership!

1. Keep your piggie's cage clean and dry. Pine chips, straw, hay but NO cedar chips! They are toxic to guinea pigs.

2. Keep away from drafts! This is a big one. Once a guinea pig catches a respiratory illness, it is very hard for them to recover.

3. Keep their room at a consistent temperature. Gradual seasonal changes in temperature are not a problem. Just no abrupt changes. 60F - 80F degrees is suitable.

4. Allow plenty of fresh air, but no drafts.

5. Give fresh pellets made for guinea pigs, not rabbit pellets, and water daily.

6. Daily vitamin C is essential. They are like humans in this regard, needing outside sources of this vitamin. Fresh, clean, raw veggies and fruits are best.

7. Give your piggies plenty of light without placing them in direct sunlight.

8. Keep their toenails clipped. This is an easy task- just like clipping your own! Be careful to clip below the 'quick', the fleshy part underneath the nail.

9. Examine your guinea pig often... so that you can catch any lumps, bald spots, runny nose etc. before they get serious. Playing regularly with your piggies will keep you more alert to any changes.

10. It -is- possible to transfer a respiratory illness to your pet... So be careful to keep your distance when you are sick and wash your hands before touching them.

If you notice any of the following, unless you are well versed in guinea pig care, talk to your vet! These may develop into serious conditions.

Not eating or drinking, discharge from eyes or ears, diarrhea, hair loss, weight loss, dull ruffled hair, dull or half closed eyes, nose in corner of cage with little movement or hunched posture.

Yes! You CAN teach your guinea pig to play dead! But can you teach him to fly? I will let you know after I have some lessons with Tooey!

Of the 30 or 40 guinea pigs I have had, I have lost a few to the above illnesses, mainly in my childhood years, due to ignorance. Most of my piggies have lived 4 or more years. For the little amount of care they require, they have brought an abundance of fun and joy into our lives!

I can't imagine life without a guinea pig!


  1. Wonderful Patty - thanks so much for sharing your piggie knowledge with us !

    That Tooey sure is handsome- did you make his festive hat ?

  2. Your piggies are so cute! I share my home with 3 guinea pigs, and they are such fun unique creatures!

  3. So cute! I love the little noises they make :)

  4. this article is fantastic! i love me some piggies! week!

  5. Love the intellectual piggie Patty! This was very educational and the photos are great. Thank you!

  6. Thank you, Nicole for posting this! I do love my piggies. We have so much fun with them. They are very tolerant of our constant intrusions in their lives, picking them up and putting them on display. Thank you all for reading!!

  7. Ohhhh so adorable! I think I might adopt one. Thanks Patty for the tips!

    Wonderful blog post!

  8. Thanks Patty for the wonderful article!
    I'll have to save it in case I get a couple.
    Such cute pics too!!


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