Monday, November 01, 2010


!!! Please be sure to read !!!

Team EFA is about to embark on a membership wide renewal process !

Volunteers have been working hard for months on a makeover of the EFA website, blogs, SMOs... (we are still working on it) and the EFA membership requirements and terms have also been fine tuned.


1. EFA is a diverse group with a common bond - working to help animals. Here are some examples of that
work: animal volunteer work, animal foster work, providing permanent home for animals, creating habitat for animals, fund raising for animals, animal advocacy work, donating to animal charities, crafting for the benefit of animals, and/or participating in EFA's Charity of the Month.

We'd love to get to know you better so when you submit your application, or renewal for membership, please write a few sentences about what your work with animals entails.

2. You must place the following in your shop announcement and/or profile:

Member of Etsy for Animals:
Member of Etsy for Animals (EFA): Artists Helping Animals

Although only one shop per member will be listed in the EFA SHOPPiNG category list on the website (where your member profile is) please feel free to use this text in all your Etsy Shop Announcements & Profiles.

3. You must join the EFA
Yahoo Groups list so that we can effectively communicate with all EFA members through this venue. This is where we post updates about our blog features as well as our Charity of the Month program and other related EFA news. By being on the Yahoo Groups list, you can also enjoy the benefits of being part of the EFA community;

4. In order to be able to promote Team EFA and its membership, consider tagging as many of your products with our team identity: team efa. Using this tag is the only way that we, Treasury makers, and shoppers alike, can find your items on Etsy. EFA TEAM requires that you have a minimum of one active listing tagged with 'team efa'. Just remember, untagged items will not be found in Team EFA searches !

EFA reserves the right, and without prior notice, to display images of your Etsy products on the EFA blog for promotional purposes :) when we do so... we will always give credit & link your product to your Etsy business !


1. EFA is 100% volunteer supported and thrives on trust and respect. Our volunteers put in a considerable amount of their time and effort into making EFA and its causes a success. We expect members to be polite and mature in their interactions with EFA volunteers. Abusive and threatening behavior will not be tolerated and could result in the termination of your relationship with EFA.

2. Although you are welcome to express your own personal opinions within the group, do so politely and please respect other EFA members' lifestyles, political views, spiritual beliefs, and dietary preferences.

3. We ask that you respond to convos and e-mails from EFA in a timely manner and within 5 days. Failure to communicate with us may result in removing you from the membership list. We reserve the right to make exceptions as appropriate in individual circumstances.

4. If you have a problem concerning your EFA membership, or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to convo our Team Leader, Michele through her Etsy shop:

before MON. NOV 22nd

1- be sure to have a min of one active Etsy listing at all times that is tagged 'team efa' in all your participating Etsy shops.

2- be sure to have the correct Team information in all your Shop Announcements and/or Profiles

3- sign up on the Yahoo Groups List

If you are an EFA member...
be sure to join our
EFA Yahoo Groups !

Once you have done those things...

4- send out an email on the Yahoo Groups list titled (like this): MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: 'your primary EFA shop name FIRST', 'then other active shop names next'...

For example: MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: brizel4TheAnimals, brizelhandcrafts, brizelsupplies

In this email, please tell us how you work to help animals. This can be as simple as writing out the relevant examples that have been listed in point #1 in the Membership Requirements

5- We ask that you DO NOT comment / respond / reply to people's membership renewals -thru the
Yahoo list- because the emails will be used to keep track of who has renewed.

PLEASE please PLEASE... help us make this renewal transition as easy as possible by ensuring you follow these steps to the letter. This is a complex but necessary process. We ask that you be patient whilst we get everything updated... please give us a minimum of one month to accomplish all our tasks before you contact us regarding website updates.

As soon as our volunteer picks up your renewal email from the Yahoo Groups List - all your shop names will be added into our new website alphabetical MEMBERS list.

If you would like to help us with the updates- we are still looking for a Website Assistant II (see if interested).

If you need special assistance or would like to cancel your membership- please email Michele, our Membership Director at Members that do not renew by Nov 22nd will by default be removed from our membership lists- if this is not the end result you were looking for, please feel free to reapply at a later date.

Thank you !


  1. Thank you Nicole for all of your work organizing the write up and requirements for this big project, I'm looking forward to a more active and cohesive group of animal lovers working together, and thanks all for your participation/cooperation!

  2. Thanks Nicole! I hope everyone will renew their membership and participate in whatever way they can. The animals desperately need our help more than ever before and are depending on those who love them to speak and act on their behalf.

  3. How do I join the Yahoo group Nicole? I don't think I'm part of that as I don't have a yahoo email account. Thanks, Jane.x

  4. Okay, I just re enlisted myself in the EFA yahoo group, I'm here reporting for duty! and to say thanks to all those working hard behind the scenes to make this transition possible, we look more professional every time I visit the efa pages. Wish I was more computer savy so I could be of guys rock!


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