Wednesday, November 03, 2010

NOVEMBER COTM: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Charity of the Month

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
By Julia of JFillustrations

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS), Team EFA’s Charity of the Month for November, was established in 1977 by Captain Paul Watson with a goal to prevent the destruction of marine habitats and slaughter of marine species in order to support true conservation of whole ecosystems. SSCS has had many successful campaigns that have helped numerous species and even have their own TV show, “Whale Wars” on Animal Planet. Their tactics involve direct-action within international law and focus on means to prevent illegal activities that threaten our oceans and fellow species.

SSCS has been avidly fighting to protect whales from illegal whalers that violate the IWC’s moratorium on all commercial whaling. SSCS states that they are “guided by the United Nations World Charter for Nature” and are “the only organization whose mission is to enforce these international conservation regulations on the high seas”. They also campaign against the slaughter of dolphins in Japan and the Faeroe Islands and against the decimation of millions of sharks each year due to "longlines" by "sport" fishermen, or by a barbaric practice known as shark finning”.

Humpback Whales by Wolfram Bruck

The society also works with the National Marine Park service in the Galapagos to protect the fragile ecosystem from illegal fishing, shark finning, and educate the local youth against such actions. SSCS also actively campaigns against Canada’s seal slaughter and have saved thousands of seals throughout the years. Other campaigns include “Operation Gulf Rescue”, focused on the detrimental effects of the very recent oil spill, and “Operation Blue Rage”, which is focused on saving the Mediterranean Bluefin Tuna, a critically endangered fish on the brinks of disappearing forever.

As you can see this month’s charity is quite active and inspirational in all they do to protect our planet’s marine life and habitats. Stay tuned for more features on Sea Shepherd Conservation Society throughout November. For more information on this organization, visit

Remember to look out for those “team efa cotm” tagged items on Etsy as donations from these items will benefit SSCS throughout the month !


  1. Wonderful post! I look forward to donating to your worthy cause.

  2. Wonderful post on a great cause!

  3. Fantastic charity to be supporting this month - thanks introducing it to us Julia!

  4. These projects are an enormous undertaking for one organization. I had read about the Dolphins in Japan. It must be sad for those who document this and are unable to help. Hoping we are all able to give our support this month to help our little brothers and sisters in the ocean.

  5. Great introduction to our November charity!They do outstanding work often risking their own lives while protecting marine life. I hope we can help them in bringing greater awareness to the public regarding those species in peril of extinction due to man's greed and archaic traditions and fishing methods. Glad to see them here this month!


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