Thursday, November 25, 2010

Abundant Harvest !

All cultures have a harvest celebration and in the United States "Thanksgiving" comes the closest to fulfilling that role. Traditionally, Thanksgiving commemorates the proclamation put forth by Governor William Bradford, of the Plymouth Colony, calling all residents to come together on a November day in 1621 to give thanks to God for an abundant harvest. Afterwards there would be an enormous feast that would include their Native American neighbors.

Truth be told, the feast at that first Thanksgiving would have been a meager one if the whole community had not pulled together. The colonists had some luck with the local crops and the Native Americans had access to other food sources but it wasn't until they had put it together that they had anything resembling an abundant harvest.

That first Thanksgiving gathering reminds me of Team EFA. We have been called into a community and by bringing what we have to offer, we have the ability to create an abundant harvest. Some months my donations to the charity of the month seem meager, to say the least. But when I look at our team totals I am amazed. When we share what we have, we accomplish so much that is good.

On my list of things for which to give thanks this Thursday will be Etsy for Animals. EFA, of course, is what it is because of all the wonderful people who generously give of their time, talent and treasure to advocate and care for our animal friends. I hope that you also will pause for a moment and give thanks for our team, Etsy for Animals: Artists Helping Animals. And in the coming year may our harvest increase in abundance !

Have a good one,
Lynn of
EFA Challenge Coordinator

curated by LolaLynn
Click HERE to visit Treasury !

featuring EFA members:
brizel4TheAnimals, SavageArtworks, rendachs,
AubreyMade, thebluewindmill, LolaLynn,
JMcGuinness, chicadolly, faeriegood, mvegan5,
theanimalsmagicshop, ArtByMarilyn, jessicalynneart,
thedoghouse, & AldanaMica



  1. Very well said Lynn. I too give thanks for EFA today and that Sky and I are a part of it. Being involved in sled dog sports for over 30 years, I can say with all honesty that this is one heck of a great team. Yes, by working together we are strong!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Lynn & everyone else in EFA!

  3. A great reminder that giving always increases when it's a part of a community effort! And we are called to be members of a community and to share what we have with others. Thanks for the post, Lynn... and here's to our continued efforts, both as individuals and as community, to benefit the animals who share the planet with us.

  4. Wonderful post Lynn! So much to be thankful for! This is such a great team!!!!!

  5. Very well said, Lynn. Thank you for your dedication and hard work doing your part for team EFA!


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