Thursday, October 14, 2010

When Donkeys and Artist Collide...

When Donkeys and an Artist Collide

(in a good way!)

written by Julia of jfillustrations

Zeta by jfillustrations

Donkeys have been described as the most forgiving beings by those that work to rehabilitate abandoned and abused donkeys. I still remember my first visit to a donkey sanctuary in the south of Ireland a few years back and reading the horrible stories of donkey abuse posted on placards along a wooden barrier that housed several groups of donkeys. It humbled me to think that regardless of their past, these gentle creatures chose to forgive us, humans, as I tried to pet 6 different donkeys that had come up to the barrier for a friendly ear scratch. In early 2010, a local couple recognized the need for a donkey sanctuary in the area where I live. Their goals included education, to inform those with donkeys on proper care, as well as school visits to educate the local youth against animal abuse and animal welfare. They also envisioned a resting place for donkeys whose history included abuse, abandonment, and a place to retire from guardians that could no longer care for them due to the economic crisis facing the region.

Ben at approx. 2 months old

Mom died at birth so he was only

4 hours old when he came to DDS

As an artist and vegan, I envision myself helping non-human animals, such as these donkeys, through my artwork. This was a great opportunity to get involved locally on behalf of my non-human neighbours in need. Like any sanctuary, funds are always needed (for food, vet bills, medicine, transportation needs, cleaning, etc.), so I hoped that my artwork could somehow be used to raise the funds that this new sanctuary needed to continue their wonderful work. I donated pencil portraits of three of the donkeys that have called the sanctuary home since it opened earlier this year. Prints of the drawings will be sent to those that choose to sponsor a donkey at the sanctuary as a thank you. This is a small action that all artists wanting to help non-humans can offer to do for their local sanctuaries or rescue groups. Other ideas to help local sanctuaries and rescue groups could include donations of photographs of the residents for a calendar, artwork or handmade goods for a gift shop or raffle, designs for Christmas cards, bake sales, and much more.

New to EFA, Julia Feliz is an artist and illustrator residing in County, Donegal, Ireland. Being torn between science and art, she dedicated her studies to both in college. Her subject matter almost always includes members of the animal kingdom as they inspire her to be a compassionate and better person each and every day. To date, Julia teaches drawing and science classes, creates wildlife & pet portraits, and has recently begun designing pendants with her own original artwork. You can usually find Julia drawing with a curious bunny on her lap or teaching her students about the amazing species that share our planet with us. Read more about Julia’s work on and visit her shop at


  1. Welcome to EFA, Julia! Thank you for your compassion and commitment towards helping animals! This is a wonderful article, great that you're helping the Donkeys, and love your artwork too! Ben is too cute!

  2. I love this story, it just warms my heart. Julia has come up with some wonderful ideas to raise money and I especially like the one of offering pencil portrait prints to those who sponsor a donkey. The one of Zeta is beautiful. Welcome to EFA Julia, you Rock!

  3. A marvelous story of love and compassion with feet to it. So happy to have such an active new member join us. A beautiful shop!

  4. This is truly inspiring! So wonderful to read that Donkeys choose to forgive, how incredible of them. What good souls they are!

  5. Thank you for your kind and lovely comments! I'm happy to be part of this team and look forward to working with all of you :)
    Julia @ JFillustrations


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