Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monthly Challenge Update

Monthly Challenge Update

written by LolaLynn

November's Theme

November is proving to be a pivital month for the EFA Challenge. A lot of things are going on. As usual, the November entries are due the first of the month and the first 16 entries will become the basis for the November Challenge Treasury. November's theme is "Bountiful Harvest", tag: teamefaharvest.

Click HERE to see How to Enter the Monthly Challenge.

Where to send your entries

The big change is in where to send your entry. All entries should now be convoed to etsyforanimals. This is the EFA Team shop which is closed but we still have use of the message system. This is being done so that the responsibility for posting the entries can be rotated and not fall on one person. We thank Micky of AldanaMica for receiving and posting the entries for several months and hope the new system will work to everyone's benefit.

2011 Themes

The other "Challenge event" is choosing our themes for 2011. I have received several lists but more are welcomed. November 15th is the deadline for submiting theme suggestions. The official list will then be posted by the end of November so that everyone can be ready for the January Challenge.

Even if you don't have full year's worth of suggestions contact me at LolaLynn with your ideas. Take a look at "Themes-at-a-glance" on the Challenge blog to see the current list. Thanks to everyone for paticapting in the challenges. Its always intriguing to see the similarities and the differences in how a theme is interpreted.

Thanks !

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lynn, good article, I had fun thinking up my entries for the coming year, you are certainly right, it's amazing to see all the different artistic takes on the theme each month. I look forward to the challenge in 2011!Hope we see an increase in participation too..


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